#kbhoyle #kbhoyleauthor #thegatewaychronicles #thebreedercycle #sonofthedeep #orionandthestarborn #thequeenofebenezer #sonofbitterglass
Son of Gold and Sorrow is Now Available!
(October 2024) Son of Gold and Sorrow, the third book in my Fairytale Collection, is now available for purchase wherever books are sold! Pick up a copy at Owl's Nest Publishers, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million, or your favorite local bookseller!
Son of Gold and Sorrow is a standalone companion novel to Son of the Deep and Son of Bitter Glass. The Fairytale Collection is a non-sequential series, meaning the books can be read in any order. |
Preorder Son of Gold and Sorrow!
(August 2024) Son of Gold and Sorrow, Book 3 of The Fairytale Collection, is now available for preorder!
Son of Gold and Sorrow is a standalone companion novel to Son of the Deep and Son of Bitter Glass. The Fairytale Collection is a non-sequential series, meaning the books can be read in any order. He was selfish, arrogant, and unserious. She is a princess, cursed to wed a wicked man. Together, they will learn what true love really is. Son of Gold and Sorrow is releasing on October 22, 2024. Preorder your copy today! |
Son of Bitter Glass is Available Now!
(February 2024) Son of Bitter Glass, the second book in my Fairytale Collection, is now available for purchase!
Son of Bitter Glass is a standalone companion novel to Son of the Deep. The Fairytale Collection is a non-sequential series, meaning the books can be read in any order. He was a cursed prince, dying from a shard of poisoned glass. She was a gardener, bound to trek through a bitter wasteland. Theirs was a love that could thaw a kingdom doomed to an icy end. |
Surprise Book! The Queen of Ebenezer is Available Now!
(March 2023) Surprise! I have a new book out now! Published with Owl's Nest Publishers, you can now purchase The Queen of Ebenezer, a magical realism story for teens. (Check out the purchase options here.)
When Beatrice wakes in a magical swamp called Ebenezer, she's met with the baffling wit and curious whims of the swamp's single other human inhabitant, the boy "king," Tom. But something is haunting Ebenezer, and Beatrice must solve the mystery of the swamp before a lurking terror devours them both. |
(November 2022) I am so happy to announce that ORION AND THE STARBORN is now available for purchase! You can get your copy on Amazon or over at Owl's Nest Publishers.
The first in a new series called Orion Rising, ORION AND THE STARBORN tells the story of 12-year-old Orion Kim, who thinks he's human... only to discover he's anything but. And someone wants to kill him because of it. Orion has been running his whole life and he doesn't even know it. But all Orion wants is to find his parents and a place to truly belong. |

(June 2022) ORION AND THE STARBORN, the first in a new Middle Grade series from yours truly, is now available for preorder on Kindle. Releasing from Owl's Nest Publishers on November 15, 2022, ORION AND THE STARBORN begins a new science fantasy epic you won't want to miss!
What 12-year-old Orion Kim wants more than anything in the universe is to find his father and mother. But finding his parents could lead to the death of worlds.
This November, the bond of blood will call across the stars, a prophecy will be set in motion, and a boy who thought he was human will learn the truth for the first time.
What 12-year-old Orion Kim wants more than anything in the universe is to find his father and mother. But finding his parents could lead to the death of worlds.
This November, the bond of blood will call across the stars, a prophecy will be set in motion, and a boy who thought he was human will learn the truth for the first time.
Interview with Aarik Danielsen of Fathom Magazine
(June 2022) My friend Aarik Danielsen is one of those writers who is gifted with the ability to make even the simplest interview sound poetic. It was truly an honor to be featured by his extraordinary pen in Fathom Magazine this month! You can catch the interview here.

(May 2022) Sometimes I contribute essays to book projects. One of those released this month. Movies from the Mountaintop is a collection of essays on film, faith, and the church. You can grab a copy today! (Edited by Cody Benjamin)
SON OF THE DEEP Book Release!

(March 2022) My eleventh book, and the first in my new series called The Fairytale Collection, has now been released by Owl's Nest Publishers! You can purchase SON OF THE DEEP on Kindle, paperback, or hardcover on Amazon or over at Owl's Nest Publishers. (Visit the Books Page to read about SON OF THE DEEP, or visit Amazon to check out reader reviews!)
YouTube Interview with Kate Howe
(February 2022) I was so happy and honored to sit down with Kate Howe on BookTube to chat SON OF THE DEEP (my upcoming release), my writing process, and more!
Catch the interview here, and be sure to like and subscribe to Kate's channel!
Catch the interview here, and be sure to like and subscribe to Kate's channel!
SON OF THE DEEP Available for Preorder!

(February 2022) Kindle editions of SON OF THE DEEP are now available for preorder! Get your copy here to make sure it downloads straight to your device on March 15th.
What are people saying about SON OF THE DEEP?
“There’s a profound alchemy lurking in Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid—one that Hoyle’s Son of the Deep goes a long way toward recovering—and a quiet yearning here that will stay with you long after you’ve put the book down.” —Luke T. Harrington, Author of Ophelia, Alive (A Ghost Story)
“A brave young girl suddenly thrust into leadership, a cynical and jealous best friend, a compassionate merman with an angel's voice ... you've never encountered a ‘Little Mermaid’ like this before. K.B. Hoyle has given us a heartfelt fairy-tale retelling whose characters will charm and delight you.” —Gina Dalfonzo, Author of Dorothy and Jack: The Transforming Friendship of Dorothy L. Sayers and C.S. Lewis
"If you want adventure, stunning characters, romance, magic, beauty, then this is a perfect book!" —@getlostinthepages (Instagram Review)
"My weekend was utterly consumed with either reading this or wondering when I would be able to keep reading it when life got in the way. I really don't have the words to express what a beautiful book this is!" —@nocomplimentstoyourmother (Instagram Review)
"I am in love with this retelling of the classic fairytale! K.B. Hoyle doesn't disappoint." —@megsbookquery (Instagram Review)
The Best Fantasy Bildungsroman Books
(February 2022) This month, I was happy to write a feature over at Shepherd.com covering what I consider to be the Best Fantasy Bildungsroman Books. Check it out here!
Owl's Nest Publishers Opens for Business!

(January 2022) After many months of planning and building and prepping, my business partner and I are happy to open Owl's Nest Publishers for business! Owl's Nest is an independent publishing house specializing in teen and middle grade literature, and we are now accepting submissions. Visit owlesnestpublishers.com for more info!
Signed Books Are Once Again Available!
(September 2021) After a long hiatus due to a cross-country move, I am happy to once again offer signed books as an ordering option. A few notes: COVID shipping delays are a real problem, and they seem to be here to stay, so keep that in mind when placing an order (especially around the holidays). Also, for signed orders, I had to raise the price of my books a small amount to cover new fees and some increased costs on my end. The prices on Amazon remain the same!
To check out what it takes to order signed books direct from me, you can find the form here.
To check out what it takes to order signed books direct from me, you can find the form here.
Practicing Resurrection Podcast
(June 2021) I joined Pastor Ian Graham to talk about the intersection of the Church, Story, and Culture. It was a great conversation! I hope you listen in here!
The Worthy Podcast
(May 2021) Early in 2021, I was a guest on The Worthy Podcast, but it didn't air until late May. I had a great (and sometimes emotional) time talking about what it's like to be a woman who has storytelling as my vocation. Listen to my guest episode here!
Strong Women Podcast

(March 24, 2021) I was so happy to be a guest on the Strong Women Podcast, where we chatted good stories, why we need them, and why women are important to... all that. Listen to my guest episode here!
THE WHITE THREAD is Now Available as an audiobook!
(Feb. 2020) Book 3 of THE GATEWAY CHRONICLES, THE WHITE THREAD, is now available as an audiobook. Get it now on Amazon/Audible, and don't forget to leave a review! Thank you!
CLONE is Now Available!
(Dec 2019) After a long wait due to a publishing house closure and my need to get an agent and look to the future of my writing career, I can now finally say that THE BREEDER CYCLE is complete! Grab copies of Book 3 today on Kindle or Paperback — and don't forget to leave a review!
HUNTER is Now Available!
(November 2019) I'm happy to announce the release of HUNTER! After 2.5 years of sitting on the back burner, my little passion project is finally seeing the light of day. HUNTER is a companion book and a prequel novel to the BREEDER CYCLE trilogy—I've officially subtitled it A STORY OF THE DEVASTATIONS. You can read about what took so long to get this book launched here, and buy copies of HUNTER here.
The Launch of Project CoNarrative
(October 2019) I have partnered with fellow award-winning author Luke T. Harrington in a multi-media collaborative storytelling experiment called Project CoNarrative. Find out all about it here, or go directly to the Patreon page or Website!
Deucecast Movie Show ~ Podcast Episode!
(September 2019) I got to join the Deucecast Movie Show guys in studio for an episode on movie adaptations of books. Listen here to find out what my favorite books-as-movies are.
Interview with Dan Cruver for Eucatastrophe.com
(September 2019) Dan Cruver of @JRRTolkien and Eucatastrophe.com invited me for a Skype interview to discuss Tolkien and fantasy world-building. You can watch ten minutes of the interview here. The full interview is available to subscribers. Enjoy!
Uncommontary with Marty Duren ~ Podcast Episode!
(September 2019) I "sat down" with Marty Duren for his Uncommontary Podcast to discuss fiction and the real world. Catch the episode here!
Table of (mal)Contents ~ Podcast Episode!
(June 2019) I had a blast recording an episode of Table of (mal)Contents with Aaron Armstrong, Barnabas Piper, and Dave Schroeder. We talked story-craft, publishing, Harry Potter, and that one time I lied about having read The Lord of the Rings to impress a boy. Listen Here!
Summer Youth Writes! with K. B. Hoyle
(May 2019-July 2019) I am happy to be offering three creative writing camps for Birmingham (AL) teens this summer! Click through to find out more here, or go directly to register here. Space will be limited!
CRIMINAL Re-release
(May 2019) Announcing the re-release of CRIMINAL, book 2 of THE BREEDER CYCLE! *Debuted at #1 on Amazon in it's category!
This year, 2019, I am re-releasing BREEDER and CRIMINAL, and I will be releasing for the first time book 3, CLONE, and the prequel to the series, HUNTER. Subscribe to my newsletter to be the first to receive release info, and more! (Buy CRIMINAL on Amazon) |
BREEDER Re-release
(March 2019) Announcing the re-release of BREEDER, book 1 of THE BREEDER CYCLE!
Coming this year, 2019, I am re-releasing BREEDER and CRIMINAL, and I will be releasing for the first time book 3, CLONE, and the prequel to the series, HUNTER. Subscribe to my newsletter to be the first to receive release info, and more! (Buy BREEDER on Amazon) |
Audiobookworm Blog Tour!
The Audiobookworm Blog Tour for book 1 of The Gateway Chronicles is taking place January 22-28. Tour stops will feature interviews with myself and my narrator, Dollcie Webb, top ten lists, dream cast posts, a giveaway, new reviews, and more! Check out the tour stops on each day here:
Jan. 22nd: The Book Junkie Reads . . .
Jan. 23rd: What Is That Book About
Jan. 24th: Adventures Thru Wonderland
Jan. 25th: Turning Another Page
Jan. 26th: What Emma Read Next
T's Stuff
Jan. 27th: Jazzy Book Reviews
Jan. 28th: Notes from 'Round the Bend
The Book Addict's Reviews
Jan. 22nd: The Book Junkie Reads . . .
Jan. 23rd: What Is That Book About
Jan. 24th: Adventures Thru Wonderland
Jan. 25th: Turning Another Page
Jan. 26th: What Emma Read Next
T's Stuff
Jan. 27th: Jazzy Book Reviews
Jan. 28th: Notes from 'Round the Bend
The Book Addict's Reviews
Book 1 of The Gateway Chronicles, The Six, is now available as an audiobook!
After many years of requests from readers, The Six is finally available in audiobook format. Go here to view it on Audible. Books 2-6 will be coming available on Audible in 2019. Stay tuned to my newsletter for release date info, trivia, giveaways, and more!
Podcast Interview: No Thanks We're Booked
I had a blast sitting down with Mollie and Katie on the fabulous podcast, "No Thanks We're Booked!" You can listen to the episode here, where we discuss the importance of YA Literature, my personal publishing journey, The Gateway Chronicles, and what it's like being an author.
The Gateway Chronicles Re-release Blog Tour!
The Gateway Chronicles Re-release Blog Tour will be taking place all summer (and into the fall/winter) 2018! Catch up on reviews and features here:
(December) Emma Fox reviews The White Thread and The Enchanted
(November) Rise Up Daily reviews The Gateway Chronicles
(November) Kate and Rachel Ollivant review The Bone Whistle
(November) Kate and Rachel Ollivant review The Scroll
(November) Emma Fox reviews The Six and The Oracle
(October) The Daily Magpie reviews The Bone Whistle
(September) Chataine's Song reviews The Bone Whistle
(September) Chataine's Song reviews The Scroll
(September) Girl Who Reads reviews The Bone Whistle
(September) Chataine's Song reviews The Enchanted
(September) Kate and Rachel Ollivant review The Enchanted
(September) The Daily Magpie reviews The Scroll
(August) Rachel and Amy Ollivant review The White Thread
(August) Girl Who Reads reviews The Scroll
(August) Sherry Gomes reviews The Six
(August) The Daily Magpie reviews The Enchanted
(August) Girl Who Reads reviews The Enchanted
(August) Rachel and Amy Ollivant review The Oracle
(August) Marian Jacobs reviews The Oracle
(August) Girl Who Reads reviews The White Thread
(August) The Daily Magpie reviews The White Thread
(August) Rachel Ollivant reviews The Six
(August) Girl Who Reads reviews The Six and The Oracle
(July) Semicolon Blog reviews The Six
(July) Chataine's Song reviews The White Thread
(July) The Daily Magpie reviews The Oracle
(July) Marian Jacobs reviews The Six
(July) Chataine's Song reviews The Oracle
(July) The Daily Magpie reviews The Six
(June) Amy Ollivant reviews The Six (as a guest blogger)
(June) Chataine's Song reviews The Six
(December) Emma Fox reviews The White Thread and The Enchanted
(November) Rise Up Daily reviews The Gateway Chronicles
(November) Kate and Rachel Ollivant review The Bone Whistle
(November) Kate and Rachel Ollivant review The Scroll
(November) Emma Fox reviews The Six and The Oracle
(October) The Daily Magpie reviews The Bone Whistle
(September) Chataine's Song reviews The Bone Whistle
(September) Chataine's Song reviews The Scroll
(September) Girl Who Reads reviews The Bone Whistle
(September) Chataine's Song reviews The Enchanted
(September) Kate and Rachel Ollivant review The Enchanted
(September) The Daily Magpie reviews The Scroll
(August) Rachel and Amy Ollivant review The White Thread
(August) Girl Who Reads reviews The Scroll
(August) Sherry Gomes reviews The Six
(August) The Daily Magpie reviews The Enchanted
(August) Girl Who Reads reviews The Enchanted
(August) Rachel and Amy Ollivant review The Oracle
(August) Marian Jacobs reviews The Oracle
(August) Girl Who Reads reviews The White Thread
(August) The Daily Magpie reviews The White Thread
(August) Rachel Ollivant reviews The Six
(August) Girl Who Reads reviews The Six and The Oracle
(July) Semicolon Blog reviews The Six
(July) Chataine's Song reviews The White Thread
(July) The Daily Magpie reviews The Oracle
(July) Marian Jacobs reviews The Six
(July) Chataine's Song reviews The Oracle
(July) The Daily Magpie reviews The Six
(June) Amy Ollivant reviews The Six (as a guest blogger)
(June) Chataine's Song reviews The Six
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