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The World of The Fairytale Collection
Alitheia ~ The Gateway Chronicles
The region of Ormiskos and Kenidros
Pronunciation Guide ~ The Gateway Chronicles
Alepo: A-leh-poh (“A” as in “cat”) Alitheia: a-lih-THEE-yuh or a-lih-THAY-yuh or uh-LIH-thee-yuh (“a” as in “cat,” “th” as in “with”) Archaios: ar-KAY-ohs Asa Rhea: AY-suh RHEE-yuh Aspros: A-sprohs (“A” as in “cat”) Badru: bah-DROOH Bayard: BUY-YARD Boitheia: boh-IH-thee-yuh (“th” as in “with”) Boreas: BOH-ray-ahs Borna Fero: BORE-nuh FAYR-oh Brachos: BRAY-kohs Cadmus: KAD-MUHS Cal Meridian: KAL mer-RIH-dee-yan Coroneia: kohr-oh-NEE-yuh or kohr-oh-NAY-yuh Daylan: DAY-lun Dembe: DEM-bay Equas: EH-quus (“us” as in us) Fobos: FOH-bohs Hippondus: hih-PAWN-dis Kenidros: keh-NEE-drohs Koukoubagia (Kouk): kooh-kooh-BAH-jee-yuh (KOOK) Limina: LEE-mih-nuh Liontari: lee-yon-TAHR-ee Lupidor: LOOH-pih-dohr Lykos: LYE-kohs Magus: MAY-jus or MAY-gus Marier: MAH-ree-er (“er” as in “her”) |
Mayim: my-YEEM Nemertes: neh-MAYR-tees Ormiskos: ohr-MIS-skohs Orodreos: ohr-roh-DRAY-ohs Paradeisos: payr-uh-DAY-sohs Pateros: puh-TAYR-ohs Petra: PEH-truh Pinello: pih-NEH-loh Ptino: TEE-noh Rodo Pelekanos: ROH-DOH peh-leh-KAH-nohs Rubidius: roo-BIH-dee-yus Sanditha: san-DEE-thuh (“san” as in “can”) Talutah Shani: tuh-LOO-tuh SHAH-nee Tellius: TEH-lee-yus Terra: TARE-uh Tokala: toh-KAH-luh Tormod: TORE-mud Torrin: TOHR-in Tselloch: TSEH-lock (“ts” as in “lets”) Tsellochim: tseh-loh-KEEM (“ts” as in “lets,” “oh” as in “toe”) Tsellodrin: tseh-loh-DRIN (singular – “ts” as in “lets,” “oh” as in “toe,” “drin” as in “in”) or tseh-loh-DREEN (plural) Voitto Vesa: voh-EE-toh VAY-suh Wal Wyn: WAHL WIN Yahto Veli: YAH-toe VEH-lee Yavin Yeriel: YAH-vin YEH-ree-ehl Zephyra: ZEH-fur-uh |
Prophecy and Oracles ~ The Gateway Chronicles
The Prophecy of the Six
Magic and mystery, good days and bad, Alitheians your worst disobedience is at hand. With arrogance and spite a magician awoke, The Shadow of whom no man has yet spoke. Magic and mystery without warning will fail, And Pateros will leave Alitheia to peril. Despair for a while, but not over-long, For out of another world will help come. Pateros will call them, three women, three men, To right what went wrong and with courage defend. Abilities they’ll have, the Six are presented: Companion, Scribe, Musician, Spy, Warrior, Intended. Companion, you are loyal above everyone else, Great friend of the Scribe, who will write words of wealth. Musician, your music will find what is lost, Making steps for the Spy, who will seek despite cost. Warrior, your blade will always strike true, Penetrating shadow, rending bone from sinew. Intended, you are truly unique, For your abilities men have sought, and always will seek. At the end of all things to the king you’ll be wed, Marked by a ring and the deepest color: red. Now comings and goings will lead to the end, To vanquish the Shadow, Alitheia to mend. Voitto Vesa’s oracle With unraveled image, journey begins. In error undone, destiny wins. Pen of the Scribe shows the way. Music, life-giving, holding sway. Held in the balance, the white thread reveals The unseen path, through lily fields, To serpent-eaters, down the hole, First navigating the archipelago. Breath of life, breath-ed once, Broken bond of covenant. |
Darcy’s oracle
You, the Intended, have much truth to seek. Your path is not for the fainthearted or weak. What was lost in the fire has now come to light, Recovered, translated, against which you’ll fight. The words were restored, precise to the letter, Their meanings should have been interpreted better. Regarding the lines of the marriage and ring, Ask yourself, Lady, who is the king? And what is the ring that will mark you, in sooth? In answering you’ll find your way to the truth. Now here’s something more to help you understand The words of the prophecy you now have at hand. There shall be a wedding, not one, but two, With the deepest color defining you. Lady Darcy, Intended, you must look ahead, Twice wed, Twice dead, Twice stained red. Rubidius’s oracle To achieve your work of Magnitude, You have one sacrifice to make. A mentored friend will give a life Whose blood is yours to take. When the Red Lion prowls between the bones, Once living, ancient, forsaken, Your prima materia ready at hand, Chrysopoeia, of the sacrifice taken. Tselloch’s oracle A human soul from the world of the Six, Body and breath to yourself affix, Three worlds you must rule, and make them one, Kill not the Intended until this is done. But take heed, mighty Shadow, look forward with dread, Beware, beware, beware the white thread. |
Book Covers - old and new
*The artwork on the very first GATEWAY CHRONICLES covers was created by Bethany Carter, Mariah Lawrence, and Hannah Pryor. The TWCS GATEWAY CHRONICLES covers were created by Megan Dooley. The TWCS covers of BREEDER and CRIMINAL were created by Jenn McGuire. The re-released covers were created by myself with design elements obtained through Canva.com. A SILENCE IN THE DEEP (2020 Swoon Reads cover) was designed by Kaitlin Rose Slattery. SON OF THE DEEP was designed by myself, Katie Stewart, and Ash Schlax. ORION AND THE STARBORN was created by Ash Schlax. THE QUEEN OF EBENEZER was painted by Michelle Moran.
Do you think you've read The Gateway Chronicles enough times to pass my trivia test? Only the True Fans will succeed! And to those uninitiated: Beware! Here spoilers ABOUND...
1) True or False: The setting of The Gateway Chronicles is based on a real-life camp.
a. True
b. False
2) What is on the Alitheian flag?
a. A four-point star
b. Three four-point stars
c. A bear
d. A stag
3) What is Amelia's enchanted object?
a. A flute
b. A lyre
c. A harp
d. A drum
4) Who shoots the burning arrow that saves Darcy when she jumps from the boat at the end of The Six?
a. Pateros
b. Tellius
c. Nemertes
d. Rubidius
5) True or False: All the oracles have a double meaning.
a. True
b. False
6) What does Rubidius lose in The Scroll?
a. His mind
b. His leg
c. His eyes
d. His voice
7) When is Darcy's birthday?
a. September 15th
b. February 19th
c. July 31st
d. March 2nd
8) Whose parents do I never formally introduce?
a. Sam's
b. Perry's
c. Dean's
d. Colin's
9) In Mayim, in The Enchanted, when Darcy is fed up that Tellius won’t talk to her, what does Darcy challenge him to?
a. A wrestling match
b. A sword fight
c. A shouting match
d. A contest of riddles
10) What type of elemental magic does Darcy have?
a. Complementary
b. Inverse
c. Completed
d. Stunted
11) Who is Marier?
a. Tellius's dragon
b. Yahto Veli's son
c. Tellius's horse
d. Tellius's mother
12) How many Nark bodyguards does each Alitheian royal get?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 100
13) What is the name of the island that is visible in the Outer Bay of Ormiskos?
a. Theanisi
b. Nofaronisi
c. Rodo Pelekanos
d. Ormiskos Prime
14) In The Enchanted, with what affliction is Tellius struck?
a. A terrible flu
b. A tsellochim bite
c. A tsellodrin bite
d. An infected combat wound
15) Who is the oldest member of the Six?
a. Dean
b. Amelia
c. Perry
d. Darcy
16) In what book does Darcy kiss Tellius for the first time?
a. The Six
b. The Oracle
c. The White Thread
d. The Enchanted
e. The Scroll
f. The Bone Whistle
17) Who saved Tellius and Cadmus when their parents were murdered?
a. Rubidius
b. Eleanor
c. Yahto Veli
d. Voitto Vesa
18) Which Alitheian character has a name that means "Young Bear"?
a. Wal Wyn
b. Borna Fero
c. Yahto Veli
d. Tellius
19) Who rescues Darcy from tsellodrin in the forest in The Scroll?
a. Yahto Veli
b. Voitto Vesa
c. Borna Fero
d. Talutah Shani
20) From what bird does Lewis's quill come?
a. Eagle
b. Phoenix
c. Hawk
d. Sparrow
21) After whom does Yahto Veli name his son?
a. His brother
b. His father
c. His nephew
d. His uncle
22) How old is Darcy at the beginning of The Bone Whistle?
a. 17
b. 18
c. 19
d. 20
23) What is the name of the country to the north of Alitheia?
a. Mayim
b. Orodreos
c. Rodo Pelekanos
d. There is no country to the north
24) What is Tselloch told to "beware"?
a. Darcy's ring
b. Tellius's ascension to the throne
c. The tapestries
d. The white thread
25) What elements can Rubidius control?
a. Earth and Air
b. Earth, Air, and Water
c. Air, Water, and Fire
d. Earth, Water, and Fire
26) When is Tellius's birthday?
a. September 15th
b. February 19th
c. July 31st
d. March 2nd
27) What is the place between life and death called?
a. Limina
b. The In-between
c. Mayim
d. Nemertes
28) How old was Eleanor when she arrived in Alitheia?
a. 13
b. 15
c. 17
d. 19
29) Who is Darcy’s first kiss?
a. Tellius
b. Perry
c. Dean
d. Lewis
30) What is the name of Tellius's horse?
a. Equas
b. Hippondus
c. Leiri
d. Zephyra
31) With whom does Lewis exchange a dream while in the archipelago?
a. Tellius
b. Sam
c. A mouse
d. A seagull
32) Why is Talutah Shani not trusted by her own people?
a. Because she's female
b. Because she fell in love with a human
c. Because of her red hair
d. Because she's sterile
33) What flowers do Alitheians plant on the graves of their dead?
a. White lilies
b. Daisies
c. Red roses
d. Daffodils
34) Who kills Lykos?
a. Darcy
b. Tselloch
c. Tellius
d. Perry
35) When Darcy returns to Cedar Cove/Alitheia at the beginning of The Bone Whistle, whom does she believe to be dead?
a. Sam
b. Yahto Veli
c. Rubidius
d. Tellius
36) According to rumor, what had Colin done to the rec center at camp?
a. Spray painted it with graffiti
b. Tried to burn it down
c. Helped to build it
d. Named it
37) What is the name of the redhead who has a crush on Amelia in Alitheia?
a. Bayard
b. Badru
c. Boreas
d. Ulfred
38) What do the Mayar call the winter solstice?
a. The Day of the Solstice
b. Red Lion Day
c. Bones of the Earth Day
d. White Stag Day
39) What is unique about Darcy’s journey to Alitheia in The Bone Whistle?
a. Colin goes with her through the gateway
b. She can't get through the gateway
c. She doesn't go through the gateway
d. Nothing – it's exactly the same as always
40) What does Darcy lose and regain in The Bone Whistle?
a. Her eyesight
b. Her magic
c. Her memory
d. Her voice
41) What is another name for the Oracle?
a. Nemertes
b. Zephyra
c. The Prophet
d. The Magus
42) What role do the gnomes play in Alitheia—other than being mischievous?
a. Protect the wealth of Alitheia
b. Protect the lore of Alitheia
c. Cast spells of protection over Alitheia
d. Spy for Alitheia
43) What is the Black Wyrm?
a. A dragon possessed by Tselloch
b. A name for the illness contracted by the bite of one of Tselloch's creatures
c. A terrible enchantment cast by Tselloch over the land
d. The dark clouds tsellochim cast around themselves
44) How does Darcy know Tellius is in trouble at the beginning of The Scroll?
a. He sends her a message
b. They have a telepathic connection
c. She sees it in the enchanted compact
d. She doesn't know until she gets to Alitheia
45) In which book does Tellius first tell Darcy he loves her?
a. The Six
b. The Oracle
c. The White Thread
d. The Enchanted
e. The Scroll
f. The Bone Whistle
a. True
b. False
2) What is on the Alitheian flag?
a. A four-point star
b. Three four-point stars
c. A bear
d. A stag
3) What is Amelia's enchanted object?
a. A flute
b. A lyre
c. A harp
d. A drum
4) Who shoots the burning arrow that saves Darcy when she jumps from the boat at the end of The Six?
a. Pateros
b. Tellius
c. Nemertes
d. Rubidius
5) True or False: All the oracles have a double meaning.
a. True
b. False
6) What does Rubidius lose in The Scroll?
a. His mind
b. His leg
c. His eyes
d. His voice
7) When is Darcy's birthday?
a. September 15th
b. February 19th
c. July 31st
d. March 2nd
8) Whose parents do I never formally introduce?
a. Sam's
b. Perry's
c. Dean's
d. Colin's
9) In Mayim, in The Enchanted, when Darcy is fed up that Tellius won’t talk to her, what does Darcy challenge him to?
a. A wrestling match
b. A sword fight
c. A shouting match
d. A contest of riddles
10) What type of elemental magic does Darcy have?
a. Complementary
b. Inverse
c. Completed
d. Stunted
11) Who is Marier?
a. Tellius's dragon
b. Yahto Veli's son
c. Tellius's horse
d. Tellius's mother
12) How many Nark bodyguards does each Alitheian royal get?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 100
13) What is the name of the island that is visible in the Outer Bay of Ormiskos?
a. Theanisi
b. Nofaronisi
c. Rodo Pelekanos
d. Ormiskos Prime
14) In The Enchanted, with what affliction is Tellius struck?
a. A terrible flu
b. A tsellochim bite
c. A tsellodrin bite
d. An infected combat wound
15) Who is the oldest member of the Six?
a. Dean
b. Amelia
c. Perry
d. Darcy
16) In what book does Darcy kiss Tellius for the first time?
a. The Six
b. The Oracle
c. The White Thread
d. The Enchanted
e. The Scroll
f. The Bone Whistle
17) Who saved Tellius and Cadmus when their parents were murdered?
a. Rubidius
b. Eleanor
c. Yahto Veli
d. Voitto Vesa
18) Which Alitheian character has a name that means "Young Bear"?
a. Wal Wyn
b. Borna Fero
c. Yahto Veli
d. Tellius
19) Who rescues Darcy from tsellodrin in the forest in The Scroll?
a. Yahto Veli
b. Voitto Vesa
c. Borna Fero
d. Talutah Shani
20) From what bird does Lewis's quill come?
a. Eagle
b. Phoenix
c. Hawk
d. Sparrow
21) After whom does Yahto Veli name his son?
a. His brother
b. His father
c. His nephew
d. His uncle
22) How old is Darcy at the beginning of The Bone Whistle?
a. 17
b. 18
c. 19
d. 20
23) What is the name of the country to the north of Alitheia?
a. Mayim
b. Orodreos
c. Rodo Pelekanos
d. There is no country to the north
24) What is Tselloch told to "beware"?
a. Darcy's ring
b. Tellius's ascension to the throne
c. The tapestries
d. The white thread
25) What elements can Rubidius control?
a. Earth and Air
b. Earth, Air, and Water
c. Air, Water, and Fire
d. Earth, Water, and Fire
26) When is Tellius's birthday?
a. September 15th
b. February 19th
c. July 31st
d. March 2nd
27) What is the place between life and death called?
a. Limina
b. The In-between
c. Mayim
d. Nemertes
28) How old was Eleanor when she arrived in Alitheia?
a. 13
b. 15
c. 17
d. 19
29) Who is Darcy’s first kiss?
a. Tellius
b. Perry
c. Dean
d. Lewis
30) What is the name of Tellius's horse?
a. Equas
b. Hippondus
c. Leiri
d. Zephyra
31) With whom does Lewis exchange a dream while in the archipelago?
a. Tellius
b. Sam
c. A mouse
d. A seagull
32) Why is Talutah Shani not trusted by her own people?
a. Because she's female
b. Because she fell in love with a human
c. Because of her red hair
d. Because she's sterile
33) What flowers do Alitheians plant on the graves of their dead?
a. White lilies
b. Daisies
c. Red roses
d. Daffodils
34) Who kills Lykos?
a. Darcy
b. Tselloch
c. Tellius
d. Perry
35) When Darcy returns to Cedar Cove/Alitheia at the beginning of The Bone Whistle, whom does she believe to be dead?
a. Sam
b. Yahto Veli
c. Rubidius
d. Tellius
36) According to rumor, what had Colin done to the rec center at camp?
a. Spray painted it with graffiti
b. Tried to burn it down
c. Helped to build it
d. Named it
37) What is the name of the redhead who has a crush on Amelia in Alitheia?
a. Bayard
b. Badru
c. Boreas
d. Ulfred
38) What do the Mayar call the winter solstice?
a. The Day of the Solstice
b. Red Lion Day
c. Bones of the Earth Day
d. White Stag Day
39) What is unique about Darcy’s journey to Alitheia in The Bone Whistle?
a. Colin goes with her through the gateway
b. She can't get through the gateway
c. She doesn't go through the gateway
d. Nothing – it's exactly the same as always
40) What does Darcy lose and regain in The Bone Whistle?
a. Her eyesight
b. Her magic
c. Her memory
d. Her voice
41) What is another name for the Oracle?
a. Nemertes
b. Zephyra
c. The Prophet
d. The Magus
42) What role do the gnomes play in Alitheia—other than being mischievous?
a. Protect the wealth of Alitheia
b. Protect the lore of Alitheia
c. Cast spells of protection over Alitheia
d. Spy for Alitheia
43) What is the Black Wyrm?
a. A dragon possessed by Tselloch
b. A name for the illness contracted by the bite of one of Tselloch's creatures
c. A terrible enchantment cast by Tselloch over the land
d. The dark clouds tsellochim cast around themselves
44) How does Darcy know Tellius is in trouble at the beginning of The Scroll?
a. He sends her a message
b. They have a telepathic connection
c. She sees it in the enchanted compact
d. She doesn't know until she gets to Alitheia
45) In which book does Tellius first tell Darcy he loves her?
a. The Six
b. The Oracle
c. The White Thread
d. The Enchanted
e. The Scroll
f. The Bone Whistle
1) a 2) b 3) b 4) c 5) a 6) c . 7) d 8) c . 9) b 10) b 11) a 12) b 13) c 14) c
15) b 16) c 17) b 18) b 19) d 20) b 21) a 22) b 23) a 24) d 25) d 26) a
27) a 28) d 29) a 30) a 31) c 32) c 33) a 34) c 35) d 36) b 37) a 38) b
39) c 40) c 41) d 42) a 43) a 44) c 45) d
1) a 2) b 3) b 4) c 5) a 6) c . 7) d 8) c . 9) b 10) b 11) a 12) b 13) c 14) c
15) b 16) c 17) b 18) b 19) d 20) b 21) a 22) b 23) a 24) d 25) d 26) a
27) a 28) d 29) a 30) a 31) c 32) c 33) a 34) c 35) d 36) b 37) a 38) b
39) c 40) c 41) d 42) a 43) a 44) c 45) d
Could YOU survive in Alitheia? Click on the link below to go to a quiz that will allow you to find out!
How Did You Do?
13-15 Correct - Congratulations! Should you ever find your way through a gateway to Alitheia, you should survive just fine.
10-13 Correct - Dicey. You might want to prepare a little more before you go.
0-10 Correct - I would advise against magical travels for you. You would probably perish in Alitheia.
13-15 Correct - Congratulations! Should you ever find your way through a gateway to Alitheia, you should survive just fine.
10-13 Correct - Dicey. You might want to prepare a little more before you go.
0-10 Correct - I would advise against magical travels for you. You would probably perish in Alitheia.
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